Looking for that personal touch with your customer communications?

Get More Out Of Your Customer Communications With msg360

Use multiple channels to create great customers journeys, including email, sms, social media and printed mail.

Tracking of user behaviour throughout your whole website.

Analyse responses and identify leads on line and in real time.

Automate follow up messages based on behaviour.

Personalised landing pages and websites.

Full integration with your own systems, including CRM.

Want To Learn More? Contact Us Now

What Our Customers Say

Vince Brand


msg360 have given AutoProtect a deceptively simple, innovative and reliable online process for delivering important policy documentation to our customers on a daily basis. Implementation was straightforward too – it just worked!

Jon Price

Brass Agency

The msg360 platform has enabled us to significantly expand our offering to key clients, giving us the ability to drive highly targeted and timely marketing messages, followed up with detailed analytics.

Jakes De Kock

The Fuelcard Company

Personalised marketing solutions from msg360 have helped us to significantly improve our direct mail response rates. The integration with our Salesforce CRM system has also helped to streamline our call centre operation.


Communication through Email, SMS, Social Media and Print

Marketing Automation

Configurable customer journeys

Live proofing

Personalised URLs

Online portal for tracking and analytics


Are you a marketing agency, digital printer or direct mail provider?

Deliver cutting edge integrated marketing solutions to your customers.

No need to invest in Software licences or hardware infastructure.

White labelled solutions carry your own branding.

Use your In-house design skills if you have them, or ours if you don't.